We envision healthy and resilient families and communities that are inclusive and transformed by racial and gender equity; where ALL people have equal access to opportunities and justice, and live full and thriving lives. We invite you to be a part of this transformative journey, and to pave the way for generations to come!

YWCA San Gabriel Valley (YWCA-SGV) is a social change and multi-service organization in the San Gabriel Valley in Los Angeles County. The organization is rooted in systemic change, social innovation and collective impact, which requires a continuum of responses to the challenges of racism, sexism, gender-based violence, discrimination, and underinvested communities. Our agency is dedicated to advancing racial equity and standing up for social and restorative justice. Our multifaceted program includes the following actions in order to empower our San Gabriel Valley community.


Our YWCA-SGV co-chairs are responsible for conducting internal staff trainings, collaborating with agencies to promote our mission effectively, and organizing community events to further our mission.


To cultivate our agency’s mission and vision, CEO Debra Ward formed the Racial and Social Justice Taskforce in 2020. This task force has been charged with racial and social justice work both internally for the agency and externally for the San Gabriel Valley. YWCA-SGV staff operate the task force, utilizing co-chair positions and several more taskforce member positions.